The Last Full Measure

[info headline="Release date"]2019[/info] [info headline="Time Movie"]116[/info] [info headline="Language"]English, Arabic[/info] [info headline="IMDb Rating"]6.8[/info] [info headline="Genre"]Action, Adventure, Excitement[/info] [info headline="Cast"]Sebastian Stan, William Hurt, Samuel Jackson, Ed Harris, Christopher Plummer, Jeremy Irvine, Peter Fonda, Amy Madigan, Diane Ladd, Linus Rucci[/info] [button src="#"]Server 1[/button] [button src="#"]Server 2[/button] [button src="#"]Server 3[/button] [button src="#"]Download Now[/button] It follows the efforts of fictional Pentagon staffer Scott Huffman and many veterans to see the Medal of Honor awarded to William H. Pitsenbarger, a United States Air Force Pararescueman who flew in helicopter rescue missions during the Vietnam War to aid downed soldiers and pilots.


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